We know we face shared challenges across our food supply. To meet the demands of a growing population, our agricultural system will need to produce 50 percent more food and feed in 2050 than in 20121. Rapid urbanization primarily in developing countries - will accelerate consumption of proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables, and other foods2. Despite projections for improved livelihoods more than 800 million still go hungry3, many of them farmers.
The convergence of population growth and dietary shifts will further stress already strained natural resources. Agriculture, including through land use change and deforestation, contributes to global annual greenhouse gas emissions. Degradation of existing lands and soils, and water use and scarcity remain concerns. Limited new arable land means that 90 percent of the growth in global crop production is expected to come from higher yields and improved productivity of existing fields4. How we achieve those yields and that productivity is vital to our food future.
These shared challenges sit at the heart Corteva Agriscience’s purpose: to enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume, ensuring progress for generations to come.
We understand that transformation and innovation in our agricultural systems is vital if we are to meet the challenges that lie ahead. We also know that if our voice and solutions are to matter, transparency and accountability must drive how we operate. Our ambition is to become a trusted leader in food and agriculture through open, honest engagement that reflects our purpose. In partnership with society, we are committed to protecting and preserving the source of our food, helping agricultural communities thrive, and providing the tools to enable healthier, more productive lives in agriculture.
I encourage you to read the Statement to our Sustainability Stakeholders on this site to learn more about our approach as we ready for our future.
Thank you for reading–we look forward to sharing our journey with you.

Krysta Harden, vice president external affairs and chief sustainability officer
Corteva AgriScienceTM, Agriculture Division, DowDuPont