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Brassica Protection Specialists

Delivering a complete suite of crop protection solutions for today’s forage brassica growers.

We combine our world class global research pipeline with our local understanding of forage brassica production to develop, launch and deliver to market an innovative portfolio of products meeting the needs of the New Zealand farmer. 

Our forage brassica herbicide and insecticide portfolio includes product options that provide a solution for most scenarios typically encountered in New Zealand’s growing regions.

Featured Products

Our portfolio of powerful, proven products has helped farmers from one end of the country to the other create and maintain thriving businesses, and has earned us a reputation as New Zealand’s brassica protection specialists.

Getting the most from your forage brassicas

We've developed a forage brassica portfolio specfically for New Zealand growers; a portfolio which provides a solution for every situation and ensures they can produce a high-quality crop, maximise on-farm returns, and protect their livelihoods for generations to come.

IPM Crop Monitoring and Spraying

  • Walk forage brassica crops regularly from early emergence 
  • Identify and monitor both the pests present AND their natural enemies 
  • Gauge the degree of crop damage against the balance between pests and natural enemies before determining the need to spray 
  • For key pests, use an IPM-compatible insecticide such as Sparta & Transform.


Principles of Weed Control

The goal is to:

1. Reduce weed competition within the brassica crop.

  • Protection of crop from emergence through to canopy closure.
  • Reduce any competition of light, water, nutrients etc.
  • High weed population and a poor crop at grazing results in reduced yield and quality.

2. Reduce weed competition in a crop/pasture rotation.

  • Reducing weed seeds within the soil.
  • Good control of perennial and rhizomatous weeds.
  • ➢ E.g. Californian thistles, Yarrow, Dock.


Key considerations:

1. Establishing a dense crop canopy is one of the most effective control methods.

  • Target rapid crop emergence, growth and establishment.
  • Achieved through pH, fertility, seedbed preparation, accurate planting depth & seed to soil contact.
  • Herbicides help to bridge the gap.

2. In dry soils or seasons. Forage brassicas are more prone to split germination.

  • Post-em herbicide timing should be based on stage of weed growth, not the crop stage.
  • Post-em herbicides for forage brassica must be safe over germinating seedlings & cotyledons.

3. Opportunities around targeting both weeds and pests at the same time.

  • In these situations, timing should be according to the earliest treatment required.
  • Don’t delay & compromise optimal control of one.
  • E.g. if weeds are ready to be sprayed, don’t delay for insects, & vice versa


Crop growth stages and application timing


Additional Resources

View or Download Tech Manuals and Quick Reference Sheets here.

Brassica Protection Guide

A comprehensive guide to Weed and Pest Control in your Brassica Crop.

Download here

Brassica Decision Chart

A quick reference guide to help you make the right decision to treat your Brassica Crop. Print as A3 and hang on your wall.

Download here

Milestone Herbicide Tech Sheet

Selective post-emergence, broadleaf weed control in all forage brassicas including Raphnobrassica.

Download here

Korvetto Technical Manual

A selective post emergent herbicide for use on forage brassicas

Download here

Korvetto + TMAX Tank Mix

The unmatched tank mix for control of those hard to kill weeds in Forage Brassicas.

Download the Tech Sheet

Gallant Ultra Tech Sheet

For the control of grassweeds in Kale, Late Maturing Rape and Fodder Beets.

Download the tech sheet

Sparta Insecticide Tech Sheet

An IPM friendly Insecticide for the control of DBM, White Butterfly, Looper caterpillar Springtails and Leaf Miner in Forage Brassicas

Download the tech sheet

Transform in Forage Brassicas Tech Sheet

Superior aphid control in Forage Brassicas.

Download the tech sheet

Post Em Brassica Crop Safety

The importance of choosing the right Cropping Oil for crop safety.

Download here

Forage Brassica Products

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Entrust™ SC  Naturalyte™ 
Qalcova™ active


Controls pests in fruit, vines, vegetables and fodder brassicas

Gallant Ultra


Selectively controls grass weeds in white clover, forestry, orchards, nurseries, non-crop areas and certain broadleaf and forage brassica crops.

Korvetto with Arylexactive


Korvetto with Arylex Active is a revolutionary new product for post emergent weed control in forage brassicas.



A selective, post emergence, broadleaf herbicide for use on forage brassica



Controls certain broadleaf weeds in fodder brassicas and radiata pine



Sparta is a unique insecticide for control of various pests in pasture, forage brassica, tree crops, and vegetables.



A selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in pastures and forage brassicas.

Transform™ with Isoclast™ active


Transform contains the powerful, new active ingredient Isoclast™ which is a systemic foliar applied insecticide that provides fast knockdown and residual control of aphids.